Space technology has been announced by the Greek Minister of Development and Investments, Mr. Adonis Georgiadis, as one of the areas of bilateral collaboration at the German-Hellenic Economic Forum in Berlin on 9th March 2020 under the patronage of the Chancellor and the Greek Prime Minister. The German Economic Affairs and Energy Minister Peter Altmaier said that the opportunity must be seized to make Greece the new “success story”, stressing that there was agreement in many areas with the new Greek government. OHB SE, represented by Marco Fuchs and OHB Hellas, represented by Katerina Panopoulou is proud for its contribution to this effort. The OHB representatives had B2B meetings with the Greek Minister and vice Ministers Development and Investments as well as with the vice Minister of the Ministry of Exterior. OHB Hellas participated in the panel about Growth and Innovation presenting scenarios of bilateral collaboration in space between Germany and Greece with Moderator Dr. Christian Geinitz from the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Next target would be the preparation towards the signature of G2G agreement / Memorandum of Intent on bilateral cooperation in space technologies and applications at the 85th Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF) on 05. – 13. 09. 2020, where Germany is the country of honor.