Cognitive Cloud Dual Camera study

General Information

Start Date:


End Date:






Programme Reference:

The Objective

The main objective of this study, undertaken by OHB Hellas with FORTH as a subcontractor, was to evaluate the merits of a dual-camera setup to acquire high-resolution images of identified events of interest, on board, through AI methods. A mission analysis of the approach for a single-satellite, dual-camera setup as well as for a two-satellite (leading-trailing), single-camera setup was performed. The dual-camera AI approach was demonstrated on commercially available high-performance embedded computers (Xilinx Kria SoM / Google Edge TPU SoM) through a state-of-the-art active fire detection and monitoring use case.

OHB Contributions

OHB Hellas is prime for this space system activity.

Customer and Partners

Related project in High Performance Payload Computer, Satellite and Ground System