Hellenic Center for Additive Manufacturing

OHB Hellas is proud to be one of the shareholders of the first Hellenic Center for Additive Manufacturing (HCAM), which will focus on producing end-to-end solutions in various sectors including space and aeronautics, with AM at its core.
The «Hellenic Center for Additive Manufacturing S.A. – HCAM» announced on 24 February, 2022 its establishment and start of operation in Patras, Greece.

HCAM S.A. will fill an existing gap with the creation of a Competence Center in 3D Printing technologies, in Greece and South-Eastern Europe. The recent example of the Covid-19 pandemic showed that immediate solutions can be found using 3D printing for medical support. In Greece, until now there was no dedicated Center to collect and respond to such requests at the scale needed. HCAM S.A. aspires to be a unique one-stop-shop providing end-to-end technological solutions and integrated services to companies, as well as research, training, development and education activities in the field of Additive Manufacturing for various sectors, such as energy, maritime, aerospace, medical, etc.

Nine (8) stakeholders of the Greek R&I ecosystem with a strong presence in Greece and internationally, participate in the shareholder structure of HCAM S.A., namely:
·       CBL Patras S.A.
·       Foundation for Research and Technology–Hellas (Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH))
·       MIRTEC S.A. (EBETAM A.E.)
·       MONOLITHOS Catalysts Ltd
·       Neweleven Capital Ltd
·       OHB HELLAS mon.E.P.E.
·       Raymetrics Advanced Lidar Systems
·       UBITECH Ltd

In its effort to become a center of excellence in Additive Manufacturing, to place Greece in a leading position in the field, and attract clients at a global scale, HCAM S.A. is seeking to recruit highly motivated professionals offering a competitive salary, an attractive benefits package, great opportunities for professional development, as well as an exciting, fresh and collaborative work environment. More information on new job postings will be available soon.

We want to acknowledge the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation (GSRI) for its support and funding through the Action ‘Competence Centers’, making a strong contribution to the enhancement of competitiveness in the region of Western Greece and in the whole Country.